Mondays aren’t so bad when you have an impending Disney trip.

I don’t have any new sewing updates on anything even though I said I was going to try to start on Padme — and even though I was off Friday. Instead I became a whole-ass new person over the weekend.
I took off Friday for my lash appointment:

the no-makeup before

The no-makeup after
I looooooooooove how they turned out! I got the “volume” option was bigger and thicker, and I love that I pretty much wakeup every morning looking like I’m ready to go. I wont have to mess with eyeliner and false lashes at disney.
That being said, as much as I love them, I’m on the fence about getting them refilled and keeping them up. I’m waiting to see how I adjust, because today, 2 full days and some change later, I’m still not really used to them. I keep wanting to reach up and pluck them off, like I just realized “oops I forgot to take my falsies off”, and I constantly see them in my line of vision. It’s also just a LOT for me on a daily basis. It’ll be great for the trip but – just a regular 2-3 weeks where I’m just at work everyday? I dunno. Also there’s no way to change the look, like I can with falsies – I can do bigger or smaller depending on the costume. It may be something I only do for trips or special occasions and not a regular thing.
And then Sunday was the re-reddening:

The before

The inprogress

The after
I’ve been wanting to go back to a warmer, lighter red for a while and Frankie nailed exactly what I wanted.
And thankfully my lighter Leia extensions match it OK! I mean it’s not 100% but is it ever?
So otherwise I focused on packing. I packed everything I could once, and then took it all out and packed it again because that’s what kind of person I am.
I’ve pretty much got everything packed I can – all that’s left is like everyday stuff like medicine, shampoo, car/travel stuff. Chase got me these packing bags for Christmas, they’re like little rectangles, and they’re great. They fit in my roller bag like a glove, so satisfying.
Saturday we picked up Kevin to help us with some yardwork – Chase didn’t want to risk hurting his back again so Kevin and I did some weeding and cleaning up. Then we went and took dinner to Mama Gin and sat with her for the evening so my parents could get out of the house.

I took the opportunity to grab some more stuff out of the attic. Another big bag of clothes to donate/sell (lots of old anime shirts in this haul), and 2 bags of stuff I threw in the trash. Including an old Abercrombie and Fitch bag stuffed full of… empty action figure cardbacks.

Apparently I felt the need to keep all these of FF8 (and one FF7 and one Star Wars) cardbacks. They’re yellowed and falling apart. I threw them away.
I’ve got to get rid of the 2 bags of clothes I’ve now brought home before I do anymore. Most of it is going to donation. The few anime shirts I’m going to pull out and sell (except one. I found an utena shirt. keeping that.)
So let’s talk about Kevin’s motion sickness. I’ve mentioned it here before that the last few times we’ve taken him to disney, he’s gotten motion sick. We had to stop letting him play the PSP in the car. But it seems like even since then, it’s gotten worse. We took him to drive around and look at christmas lights in December and he puked. When we had him over a couple of months ago, we got to where we were picking up dinner and he had to jump out of the car and run to an outdoor garbage can.
And again when we picked him up Saturday – his house is like 5 minutes from ours. In that short time he got car sick and had to jump out and go puke in our trash can.
We’ve tried ginger gum/candy, we’ve moved him to the front seat, we’ve tried it in Chase’s SUV which is a smoother ride than my Honda… nothing has helped except one thing, which I thankfully found the other day and got out for him to wear the rest of the day – the pressure point wristbands. We got these for him on the 2017 disney trip and they seemed to help – we got them the first day after he ralphed on the car ride down and we didn’t have anymore issues the rest of the trip and he was fine on the drive home. I’d kept them in the park bag. So i got them out saturday and put them on him. And no problems the rest of the day, driving out to my parents and back. So… I guess those things work??
He asked if he was going to keep them and I said NO they are staying in the car from here on out LOL
I was going to do a disney hype section but I have a new keyboard on this computer and it SUCKS. i’m spending half my time correcting my typing as I am typing. It’s also making my fingers sore. So maybe later this week.